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Micro Well Chip
▶ 제품 설명
- Micro well chip은 한 번에 대량의 바이오 정보를 신속하고 정확하게
분석 할 수 있는 고집적 분석기술(High-throughput screening)로 만들어진
Bio-chip의 종류 중 하나입니다.
◎ less than 0.5 μL of reagent volume
◎ high contact angle and low background signal
◎ clear and high-sensitive image
▶ Pcube chip(TM) by SEMIONE Inc.
Hybrid array chip for fluorescence detection
Pcube chip(TM) - Amine chip
Hybrid array chip for SERS detection
Pcube chip(TM) - Gold chip
▶ Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic hybrid-patterned array Pcube chip(TM)
▶ Fluorescence quenching effect of introduced metal film
1. Cy5-BSA solution incubation for 30min
2. Wash with PBS solution
3. Fluorescence scan GenePix4000B
▶ Fluorescence images of ANG immunoassay using a Pcube chip(TM)
2. Wach with PBS solution
Photo Resist
MEMS Service
Analysis Service
Tel. 02-944-6922 | Fax. 02-944-6923
Addr. 01811 서울 노원구 공릉로 232,
서울테크노파크 410호
copyright(c) 2023 SEMIONE INC. All Right Reserved
Tel. 02-944-6922 | Fax. 02-944-6923Addr. 01811 서울 노원구 공릉로 232, 서울테크노파크 410호